Color Series

Color Series

Nothing says “welcome” better than a splash of color in your company lobby or office reception area!

Bring life and vibrancy to your high-profile spaces with Growing Green's Color Series programs! These programs feature rotating plant selections throughout the year, ensuring a constant burst of color, lush foliage, and a dynamic atmosphere. With options designed for every budget, our Color Series programs are a perfect way to beautify your space and impress visitors.

Take your office space to the next level — with a regularly scheduled rotation of unique and dramatically designed color series — from Growing Green!

We offer eight different Color Series Programs:

  • * Color Bowl Program: A fresh new look of colorful foliage, blooming plants, and a new container every month! — Deliveries: 12 / year
  • Classic Botanicals: Colorful foliage with splashes of blooming plants! — Deliveries: 10 / year
  • Elegant Orchids: Lush and color orchids! — Deliveries: 6 / year
  • Eco Exotics: Features colorful bromeliads! — Deliveries: 4 / year
  • The Exotics: Stunning, tropical bromeliads! — Deliveries: 7 / year
  • The Stunning Stromanthe: Colorful tropical plants! — Deliveries: 6 / year
  • * The Succulent Collection: Gorgeous succulents, followed by a single poinsettia rotation! — Deliveries: 6 / year
  • Tremendous Tropicals: Large, leafy tropical foliage followed by a single poinsettia rotation — Deliveries: 6 / year

* = Our most popular programs

Our Color Bowl Program:

The Color Bowl Program offers a vibrant alternative to fresh flowers. Our color bowls are delivered fresh to your office every month and cared for by our highly-trained technicians.

Our versatile range of small, medium, and large color bowls is designed to enhance any space, from compact reception desks to spacious conference tables.


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