Meet Dina Zimmerman – Holiday Designer Extraordinaire!
We were lucky the day Dina Zimmerman walked into our door. She came to us already having experience designing and selling commercial holiday décor, and fit right into our team immediately. Dina has a discerning eye for what is in style, how to incorporate it into our designs, and what customers like. She is aware of the latest trends and knows how trendy we can get while still keeping in traditional St. Louis holiday style. Dina gets her discerning eye from her experience with professional photography, which comes in very handy when we need some fabulous photo of our work.
Dina is also especially good to our customers. While she does not often get the chance to leave the design & fabrication shop, when she does, she has a way of connecting with our clients. She listens closely to their requests and always figures out a way to give them what they have asked for.
How does she get through the craziness of the holiday? With humor of course! Mid-season there was a sign posted on the door to the holiday design & fabrication shop that read “Merry Crisis”. When called on the phone, Dina would answer, “911 what is your holiday emergency”? She and her design partner Bridget Koenig are always there to help get us what we needed to get the job done!