It’s dark in the forest. You’re six years old and lost. Do you panic? Not if you’re our young Molly, you just begin your love affair with nature. You remain calm until mom and dad find you and then you tell them how pretty it is.
Her love for plants was enhanced by her experiences working in a butterfly conservancy when she was in high school. This led to her enrolling at Missouri State University, where she majored in horticulture and was the only one in the Agriculture School with a specialty in Tropical Plants.
Molly and her husband just bought a house in South City and are busy in starting a new garden and rearranging things to make it their home. She keeps busy with outdoor activities, learning new flowers, perennials and shrubs. Cooking Italian style meals helps keep her energy up to all the needs of a new homeowner.
Molly found us on the internet three years ago and when she applied for a job, she was told it had just been filled. By the time she got back home there was a message for her to come back to finish up her employment contract as there seemed to be an opening that just occurred, and she was number one on our list. Her knowledge and learning have helped us grow for the last three years.
Molly Turpin has accepted the position of Horticultural Team Leader for Growing Green Inc.
A graduate in Horticulture from Missouri State University, she has been an employee in the Service Department for three years and will guide our Horticultural Team. We are excited to have her take this position and look forward to Molly’s knowledge-based leadership.